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Behind The Research: 'Somehow, CurraNZ is making arteries younger again'

on September 17, 2024


In the latest in our ‘Behind The Research’ series, we revisit an incredible 2020 study, which shone the spotlight on the powerful and fast-acting cardioprotective health effects that CurraNZ can offer adults later in life.

Our early work showed how CurraNZ can benefit athletes with enhanced blood flow, which begged the question: What could it offer older adults?


The study:

Effects of blackcurrant extract on arterial functions in older adults: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover trial, was published in the journal, Clinical and Experimental Hypertension on May 13, 2020.

What was study about?

To assess the potential role of CurraNZ on arterial stiffness and blood pressure – powerful predictors of future cardiovascular events - in a group of healthy men and women aged 65 and over. 

It was the first investigation to see whether blackcurrant extract might offer a natural dietary means of reducing cardiovascular risk factors in the ageing population.

The dose:

Seven days of 600mg (2 capsules) of CurraNZ.


What we found:

  • Reduced arterial stiffness in both the carotid and femoral arteries, equivalent to turning back the clock ten years
  • Reduced central blood pressure by an average 10mmHg
  • Displayed ‘whole body’ improvements to vascular health


Why was this meaningful?

Hardening of the arteries occurs with age and is strongly influenced by diet and lifestyle factors. The condition can precede hypertension and cardiovascular disease.  

Arterial stiffness occurs through accumulation of plaque deposits on the walls of the arteries, which leads to reduced function and blood flow. Unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits are also major contributors.

Smoking, high alcohol intake, lack of exercise, Type 2 Diabetes, Hypertension, obesity, stress and inflammatory conditions all contribute to arterial stiffness, which can be controlled by healthy diet and lifestyle choices.

Growing evidence highlights that specific flavonoids – and particularly those in blackcurrants -  can improve vascular function and arterial health. Could blackcurrant may offer a natural means of reducing cardiovascular risk factors in the ageing population?


What the scientists said about the findings-

Dr Takanobu Okamoto, from the Nippon Sport Science University in Japan, who performed the study, says: “Intake of anthocyanin-rich blackcurrants might be beneficial for maintaining or improving cardiovascular health as an important non-pharmacological therapy to prevent cardiovascular diseases in older adults.” 

Author and UK collaborator on the paper, Professor Mark Willems (above), went further, by saying: “The extract showed a surprising systemic effect and reduced the age of the arteries equivalent to ten years. 

“These observations show that blackcurrants can support vascular health in a short period and to a surprising degree. It adds to the scientific picture that that New Zealand blackcurrant extract can be highly beneficial for healthy ageing.

“By improving the condition of the arteries you’re reducing the consequences of ageing on the vascular system. Blackcurrant is somehow making blood vessels younger again. 

“Ageing is a process you cannot stop but with the right nutrition and other lifestyle choices, you can age more healthily.

“These results have clinical significance, but for a permanent change, we need to see the effect of longer-term consumption.”


Next steps

CurraNZ is being evaluated in a three-month hospital clinical trial in cardiovascular disease patients. We will be revealing the results here, once published.