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  • Five-week repeated intake of NZBE maintains or enhances benefits for exercise recovery

Five-week repeated intake of NZBE maintains or enhances benefits for exercise recovery

on September 15, 2021

SYNOPSIS: A five-week repeat intake study by scientists at Plant & Food Research show that anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract provides more than one-off benefits for exercise recovery. 

Strenuous exercise leads to excessive oxidative and inflammatory stresses, which can be detrimental to health and training status.

The study found:

  • Daily consumption either maintained or enhanced exercise recovery effectiveness
  • Long-term consumption resulted in greater benefits for exercise recovery
  • Taken an hour before exercise, blackcurrant improved anti-inflammatory and immunity markers
  • Five weeks consumption reduced oxidative stress 40%

This study validated previous work showing that consuming anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrants assists with exercise recovery, helping regulate oxidative stress and inflammation and supporting immunity. 

These findings confirmed that blackcurrant extract primes the body for exercise by switching on antioxidant, inflammatory defences and adaptive pathways.