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The health concept for a better you in 2022

on December 14, 2021

LET'S face it, optimal health comes from incorporating daily healthy habits. And the older we get, the more we need to work at it, to fight the natural consequences of ageing.

Polyphenols are a relatively new health concept that deserve attention for their contribution to good health, wellbeing and longevity. 

So, if you're looking to dial up your healthy habits in 2022 and make them more than just a new year's resolution, add more purple polyphenols to your diet.

The best sources of purple polyphenol compounds, anthocyanins and flavonoids, are found in dark purple fruits and vegetables, with blackcurrants having one of the highest concentrations and twice that of blueberries.

Plus, as a recent Harvard University study highlighted, it's never too late to start.

Here’s how these purple powerhouses can help boost your overall health status, energy and longevity for a better you in 2022.


Blackcurrants can help with cognitive fatigue and stress


1. 'Despite best efforts, it seems most people are deficient in anthocyanin and not aware of it'

We need a host of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals to be healthy, and nature provides all of these in highly-coloured fruits and vegetables.  But are you getting enough? More importantly, are you eating the right ones?

We should be eating two ‘purples’ in addition to our ‘five a day’, because of their lifespan-essential importance. Unfortunately, 67% of us aren't meeting these needs.

Blackcurrants possess two types of anthocyanins which are amongst the most potent for improving blood flow and keeping the body’s blood vessels healthy. 

As powerful antioxidants, they also help neutralise damaging free radicals and reduce inflammation, two key drivers of chronic disease. 

While there are no official guidelines on daily anthocyanin intake, Professor Mark Willems, of the University of Chichester, says most people may not be consuming enough, given the positive responses seen in studies on high anthocyanin intake. 

He says: “The normal dietary intake in Europe is 40-80gm of anthocyanin. A lot of individuals in society are trying to live a healthy life and eat a balanced diet, but despite best efforts, it seems they are still deficient in anthocyanin and not aware of it.”  

Tips for best use: Take one-two capsules daily to plug the ‘purple’ gap in your diet. One CurraNZ capsule contains 105mg anthocyanin.

Dr Rupy Aulja champions blackcurrants for their immune benefits

2. Natural immune support

Championed by Dr Rupy Aujla for their immune benefits, blackcurrants enhance the body’s first-line immune defences and are a natural way to help your body fight infections.

Purple fruits and vegetables containing anthocyanins stimulate immunity, along with offering anti-viral properties.

In fact, a recent CurraNZ customer survey showed this is the No1 health reason for purchase. Of those who use it for this application, 66% report improved immunity.  

Researchers have found the berry acts as a ‘disinfectant’ in cells by inhibiting viral absorption onto cell surfaces by 95%, impairing viral growth and release by infected cells.  

Tips for best results: Take one-two capsules every morning.  


3. Include Adaptogens for support against stress

 If managing and reducing stress is a priority in the new year, then blackcurrants, a natural adaptogen, can help your resilience and restore your body back to balance.

Adaptogens are plant-based ‘biological boosters’ that help our body react, cope and recover from stress, whether physical, mental or dietary.

These plant phytochemicals can help balance the body and gear it to be more resilient to stress, exhaustion and fatigue.

Blackcurrants are multi-tasking actives that help the body cope with physical, dietary and mental stress, by supporting the immune system, managing oxidative stress and inflammation, improving blood flow, supporting cognitive function and mood.

So, if you’re wanting to find better balance this year, include CurraNZ  for some important ‘purple power’ as part of your morning regime.



Adaptogens: Five plant extracts that can build your resilience to stress (click here) 

Harvard study: 20-year analysis shows polyphenol-rich foods cut risk of cognitive decline (click here)

Ways to spot poor circulation: Why blood flow is everything (click here)

Dr Rupy: Nutritional science expert champions the benefits of blackcurrants (click here)