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  • Pigs Backyard Ultra Women's Course Record set with some help from CurraNZ

Pigs Backyard Ultra Women's Course Record set with some help from CurraNZ

on March 24, 2025


Meet Lydia Pattillo from Dunedin – a mum, ultra runner, and leader of the Leith Harrier and Athletic Club, who’s raising the bar in every race, with a little help from CurraNZ.

'After dabbling into the world of ultra running, I started taking CurranNZ without too much expectation, it was more really just to see what all the hype was about!

'Juggling the crazy working-mum life and involvements in running, I was after anything to keep the pep in my step, so thought I’d give CurraNZ a whirl."

In her first race with CurraNZ, Lydia took on the notoriously tough Pigs Backyard Ultra, jumping from a previous personal best of 53km to 107km in a 16-lap effort. From there, the results spoke for themselves.

She returned again to the Pigs Backyard Ultra and did even better, completing 21 laps (140km), winning the Last Woman Standing and setting a new women’s course record along the way. 

She says, "I use CurraNZ in the lead-up to ultra races, during the race itself, and in the days afterwards for recovery.

"The longer I’ve been using CurraNZ, the better I have found my ability in each race to push through fatigue and recover from the punishment of such extreme distances."