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Meet the customer who is 'unrecognisable' after discovering CurraNZ was the answer to his prayers

on January 15, 2020

FOR some customers, CurraNZ is life-changing. Last year we shared the story of Nick Chappelow, who found that in just six months of using CurraNZ, his severe arthritis improved, enabling him to come off heavy pain medication, embrace a regular fitness regime and lose stones in weight.

Now, the Daily Mirror in Britain has featured his inspiring story. He had suffered from Ankylosing Spondylitis (severe arthritis) for 27 years, which made Nick reliant on a host of medications and injections to manage the debilitating condition.

Worst still, one of the inevitable side-effects from his medication was impaired immunity, resulting in regular infections and illnesses. 

“When my arthritis was bad, I was eight or nine on the pain scale. It doesn’t matter how much medication you take, the pain is always there, so you are always fighting against something that doesn’t allow you to do anything. Plus, the winters were horrendous.”

Nick’s condition also made it really difficult to exercise and keep control of his weight.

“I’m sceptical about ‘super cures’ which don’t ring true, but when I looked on the CurraNZ website and saw scientific papers supporting the product, I thought ‘I’m going to try this’. 

“The immune-promoting and anti-inflammatory properties piqued my interest. Plus, it ticked the boxes with the muscle recovery and fat burning benefits, which were only going to help with my exercise goals.”

The father-of-two from Harrogate says: “I still haven’t taken any pain medication or steroids in the last year.After using CurraNZ for over a year, the chef (pictured left, last year), says how his life has changed in ‘more ways than I can tell you’, describing himself as ‘unrecognisable’, having lost 35kg and now maintaining a healthy 14.5 stone. 

 “Previously during the winter, the damp would get into my hips and would be so painful. In the last two years that hasn't happen and last winter was even better than the previous one. That’s the God’s honest truth. 

“I can’t tell you all the things that I’m doing now that I couldn’t do in the past – cross-training, bike rides with my daughter, strength and conditioning in the gym, doing things with my family. I couldn’t even think about doing that a few years ago. I’ve lost six stone and am now packing on muscle - and everybody is flabbergasted by the change in me.

“CurraNZ has given me a new lease of life and I’m still loving discovering the new things I can do, another year on.  

“I’m so happy that an amazing product like this exists, because it has changed everything for me, and it is natural with no side effects. I champion Curranz to everyone I speak to – but they don’t know half the story. It’s given me light at the end of the tunnel.”

To read more about the anti-inflammatory actions of CurraNZ CLICK HERE