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Improved recovery paved way to customer's near-15 stone weight loss

on September 21, 2021


Recovery benefits proved ‘key’ to overcoming exercise recovery challenges for Julie

A 50th birthday holiday snap spurred Brit Julie Backhouse into completely overhauling her lifestyle, running marathons and losing almost 15 stone – with help from CurraNZ. 

Weighing 26st 10lb, Julie Backhouse was horrified at the picture of herself on a dream holiday with her husband to Santorini in 2016 (top).

Julie, 55 (pictured left, weighing 12 stone) says:  “When I looked at the photo of me on holiday, I honestly didn’t recognise who I saw. I didn’t think it was me.

“I’d never seen myself in the mirror this way before. I thought, ‘Who is this person?'”

When she returned home, she kicked bad eating habits and started her fitness journey from scratch.

However, for all her best intentions, she found that muscle aches and pains after exercise hampered her efforts to step up her fitness regime.

She says: “I suffered with really painful muscles after exercising. The aches would go on for days if I really pushed myself and it did put me off trying to get fit to be honest.”

Then Julie came across CurraNZ, which has been shown to reduce muscle soreness by half in a new study investigating its impact on newcomers to resistance training.

Other studies have shown CurraNZ improves fat metabolism during exercise, and is particularly beneficial to those with a higher body mass.

'Muscle soreness was a real problem in the early days'

Julie found that the supplement was a ‘game changer’ for taking regular exercise.

“Since taking CurraNZ, I made a lot of progress and started training for marathons. It stopped that debilitating muscle soreness that proved a real problem in the early days of exercising.

“In June I reached my goal weight of 12 stone, which means I’ve now lost a total of 14 stone 10lbs in total. I’m over the moon - it’s so good getting to my goal weight after working so hard these past few years. I sincerely believe Curranz has helped me achieve all my goals. 

“I am genuinely amazed at the difference between exercising with and without CurraNZ. It’s worth every penny as you can work out for longer and more often with much better-quality workouts.

“Since using CurraNZ, I haven’t suffered much at all and I’m really putting a lot of effort into my sessions.”

The latest study on CurraNZ, from the University of Surrey, highlights the ‘stark’ difference the product makes to improving post-exercise muscle soreness and function.

The product’s place for aiding ‘normal’ people to overcome the challenges of getting fitter and healthier is perfectly captured with Julie’s story.


Scientist: 'A product like CurraNZ will help prevent people being put off exercise'

Scientist Dr Julie Hunt, who led the landmark CurraNZ study, says: “Non-resistance-trained individuals are likely to experience more severe muscle damage as a result of doing strenuous unaccustomed exercise. They are likely to feel stiff and sore after a heavy session, which could put them off returning to the gym. A nutritional product like this is relevant because we want individuals to exercise at a sufficient frequency to promote training adaptations and health outcomes. 

“There is a clear application for blackcurrant to facilitate exercise recovery as individuals regained their strength more quickly, while suffering up to 47% and 49% less muscle soreness at 24 and 48 hours.”

Customer Julie is now planning on becoming a personal trainer, and to inspire others into get healthier and fitter.

Looking back, she says: “This product is very impressive – and I’ve tried many “miracle” supplements over the years, but these wonderful capsules have helped me so much.” 


 Read the recovery study article here