Sam, fitness instructor from Coromandel, is our customer of the month.
Here, she shares her story:
"I first heard about 'Curranz' from nutritionist Mikki Williden. She was raving about it on her Instagram story. After I listened to her interview with Fleur on Mikkipedia - I then knew I had to try it for myself.
"I am a very busy 38 year old, single mum of two amazing kids (10 & 12).
"Life is a juggle to say the least and I need all the help I can get to feel my best, and I can't afford to be low on energy, or sore.
"I'm up at 4.30 most days to fit it all in, and don't stop until my head hits the pillow at night. I consider myself to be a pretty active person. Among other interests, I run women's fitness classes, and I am a keen runner (by no means winning races but I love it!) .
"The biggest effect I first noticed after taking 'Curranz' was while running. The type of running I do is all heart rate based. I was educated on the 'MAF method' a couple of years ago by a good friend. It's all about going low and slow, and building a solid aerobic base, not thrashing our bodies day in and day out, which suits me, especially as I get older.
"CurraNZ made a significant difference to keeping my HR lower and consistent.
"This is due to the affect it has on expanding the blood vessels, and allowing better oxygen delivery. It's hard to describe quite how different I felt, so much so I thought it was all in my head! For this reason, I used the product solidly for a couple of months, and then came off it just to see. I noticed a change instantly, and placed another order!
"Since using this product I've done more research into the benefits of what these wonderful little black currants can do. The list is HUGE, and benefits my body in so many ways. I rave about this product to my clients, family and friends.
"Try this amazing product for yourself, you wont regret it I promise. What an incredible difference CurraNZ has made to me."