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Do you struggle to exercise in the heat?

on October 21, 2021

With summer around the corner, it's timely to remember that exercising in the heat can stress the body and reduces its ability to burn fat.

Exercise in the heat is one of the most severe demands you can place on the gastro-intestinal system.

Up to 90% of endurance athletes are affected by symptoms of gastrointestinal distress during exercise in the heat.

Whether you're a recreational exerciser or serious athlete, training or competing in high temperatures is problematic arising from a redistribution in blood flow away from the gut. This can lead to a host of symptoms that, if left uncontrolled, can impair exercise performance and may even lead to more severe outcomes such as heat illness.

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CurraNZ have been shown to help prevent these complications, as well as improving the body's use of fat as fuel. 

Data from a study, based on dosing of two capsules (600mg), has found ‘robust evidence’ that blackcurrant anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce oxidative stress, help to reduce gastro-intestinal damage.

Scientists also observed a large improvement to fat oxidation, with the cumulative evidence for blackcurrant anthocyanins highlighting its ‘potent’ benefits for active people.

The findings are particularly relevant to ultra-marathon runners who compete at lower exercise intensities, and to endurance athletes who train in hot conditions.

University of Chichester Thermal Physiologist Dr Ben Lee, says: “It seems that blackcurrant helps maintain intestinal integrity. If you were due to compete in the heat, you could consider the use of blackcurrant in the week tapering before the event if you suffer from GI distress.”

Professor Mark Willems says: “We’re building a picture that New Zealand blackcurrant is potent in many aspects. This latest heat study is taking us into new territory with blackcurrant and with all the data we have so far, it’s proving potent in itself, compared to other anthocyanin-rich products.

“We are realising that it maybe the specific blackcurrant anthocyanin composition that is making this berry stand out from the others.”


1. New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Increases Circulating Hsp32 And Hsp90a but Doesn't Affect Circulating Hsp72 (ACSM 2019)

2. New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Modulates Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Response To Exertional Heat Stress

3. New Zealand Blackcurrant Extract Attenuates Enterocyte Damage Following Exertional Heat Stress