In Part 2 of our series, this month UESCA (United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy) ultra-running coach and athlete LAUREL WALKER shares her check-list to ensure you hit that start line race-ready mentally, physically and nutritionally.
She writes: As many of us are getting close to our first race of the season, it is important to take a look at our training, and really hone it in.
Here are a few ideas for strength work that can help prepare and keep you strong throughout the season.
Leg strength: Squats, lunges, and deadlifts help build power and endurance.
Core stability: Planks, Russian twists, and leg raises enhance balance and running efficiency.
Single-leg exercises: Step-ups and single-leg deadlifts improve coordination, a critical component of trail running.
Plyometrics: Box jumps and jump squats increase explosive power for strong race finishes.
One fundamental component of training for a race is to work on the most specific race workouts closer to the race. That means, if your first race of the season is coming up, this is the time to hone it in.
Road Running: Focus on tempo runs, intervals, and fast-finish long runs all on surfaces with good footing, to build speed and dial in your pace.
Trail and Sky Running: Incorporate hill repeats, technical terrain runs, and power hiking to prepare your body for the demands of your specific course.
Ultra runners: Increase back-to-back long runs to build endurance while practicing fueling strategies. Another good rule of thumb is to target long runs with a similar gain and/or loss in elevation per mile as your target race.
Fueling properly before, during, and after training is crucial:
Pre-run: Eat a mix of carbs and protein 1-2 hours before your race. It may seem like a small thing, but even eating something small before you run will jump-start your system and help your body build resilience during and after the run.
During long runs: For races over 90 minutes, consuming electrolytes and fast-digesting carbs is helpful. Once you start to hit the marathon-50k mark, taking in some fats and proteins will also help your body as it breaks down over the course of the run.
Post-run: Prioritize recovery with a protein-carb combo within 30 minutes of finishing your run. Play around with solid versus liquid protein and figure out what you are more likely to consume.
In addition to fueling, hydration is critical before, during, and after your runs. Really, all the time!
Training your brain is just as important as training your muscles and your stomach.
Visualization: Imagine yourself running through a tough climb, a moment when you are feeling down or defeated, and then imagine yourself noting it and pushing it aside.
Mantras: I like to write them on my hand or wrist so I can refer to them throughout the race. You can also give them to your crew to read to you, or put them in your drop bag.
Finally: Believe in yourself, trust your training, and go out and nail that first race of the season!
If you missed Part 1, 'Strength and Mobility training for Runners', click here
Laurel Walker has been running ultras for over ten years and is an experienced rock and ice climber, with a passion for the mountains. A writer specialising in outdoors-focused subjects, Laurel is a former associate editor for and a certified UESCA (United Endurance Sports Coaching Academy) coach. This qualification covers everything from anatomy and physiology as it pertains to ultrarunning, nutrition, rehab, and how to put together a training plan. The course is rooted in science - well-known and respected endurance coach, Jason Koop, was heavily involved in writing the ultrarunning-specific course. Laurel was born and raised in upstate New York and currently resides in Colorado. This year she is focusing on Skyrunning races and planning to attend events in both the US and Europe.
Follow Laurel on Instagram @zenrunner50 and feel free to reach out with any questions or if you are interested in coaching.