CurraNZ ambassador Claire Whittle shares about her latest race, the Northburn 100 Ultra Mountain Run in Cromwell.
Claire writes: 'Trail runs don’t get much better than Northburn, where they say suffering is the prize and everyone’s a winner! It's epic and brutal.
This mountain race has more than 2600m of elevation for the 50km Skyrun option. This year did not disappoint.
CurraNZ was a vital part of my preparation, helping me recover during my training AND get back to work the very next day after the event. Despite being out on the trails for eight hours straight, muscle soreness was minimal.
CurranNZ helps reduce tissue damage and repair muscles, in record time it seems! I was back out training the following weekend for an upcoming 100km race (The South Island Ultra).
CurraNZ are an essential part of my support team. Dealing with fatigue and soreness is a thing of the past and my energy levels have improved too.
Overall I am healthier, as I have not had so much as a cold or virus in the last year - and I have seen an improvement in my skin and overall glow factor!
I attribute this to these small but powerful warrior berries!