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British TV documentary reveals the fat-fighting properties of berry compounds

on September 23, 2017

ANTHOCYANINS were featured on another episode of Channel 4’s Superfoods, The Real Story this week, highlighting new research on their impressive fat-fighting properties.

British flavonoid expert and professor of Nutrition, Aedin Cassidy, was interviewed on the first-ever study that analysed anthocyanin intake in relation to fat mass (click here for the study).

2,700 pairs of identical twins with similar lifestyles and eating habits aged 18-83 were tested to see the effects of the difference on body mass, with one twin eating two portions a day of berries.

Body scans showed how the twins on the berry diets had less fat, with more evenly distributed fat mass throughout the body. On average, those with higher anthocyanin intakes had 9% less body fat.

They also found the anthocyanins reduced appetite and prevented absorption of fat.

This study adds to the building evidence for berries for weight management, of which blackcurrants have one of the highest anthocyanin concentrations of any berry fruit. Blackcurrant-specific studies have found to reduce weight gain by 10%, help increase insulin sensitivity and increase fat burning during exercise by 27%.