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  • British researchers show New Zealand blackcurrant increases insulin sensitivity

British researchers show New Zealand blackcurrant increases insulin sensitivity

on July 19, 2018

A NEW British study has suggested that regular intake of New Zealand blackcurrant powder can increase insulin sensitivity in healthy individuals, with possible implications for populations with Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome. 

This is the first observation that seven days of high-anthocyanin blackcurrant powder can reduce insulin to such a degree.The findings showed blackcurrant reduced insulin levels in participants by up to 39.2%, 60 minutes following the meal.

The study, by the University of Chichester, examined whether blackcurrant consumption would influence glucose and insulin responses following a high carbohydrate meal. Excessive insulin production typically leads to Type 2 Diabetes and thyroid issues. 

Levels of blood glucose and insulin typically spike in the blood following a carbohydrate-rich meal. People who have difficulty metabolising glucose will require larger amounts of insulin, either from their own pancreas or from injections in order to stabilise blood glucose.

The study, published in Functional Foods in Health and Disease, used a dose of 139mg blackcurrant anthocyanin. (Less than two capsules of CurraNZ, which contains 105mg per capsule).

The study also showed that berry-supplemented subjects also had a tendency for reduced fasting insulin levels by 14.3% and reduced glucose levels post-meal by 6%.