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  • Blackcurrants prove pick of the bunch in large Italian berry study

Blackcurrants prove pick of the bunch in large Italian berry study

on February 06, 2021

A TEAM of Italian researchers from the University of Turin have analysed the properties of nine different kinds of berries grown in Italy (study here) - and blackcurrants came out on top.

While blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries scored highly, blackcurrants proved superior in terms of total anthocyanin content.

The term anthocyanin will be familiar to CurraNZ regulars. This compound is one of the main bioactives in our New Zealand blackcurrant extract that delivers its antioxidant power and reduces inflammation that can predispose you to chronic disease. It also plays an important part in supporting the immune response. 

The scientists also found that blackcurrants came out tops in terms of total flavonoid content. This group of phytochemicals helps regulate immune and cell function, while protecting the body against everyday toxins and stressors.

In assessing the specific anthocyanins of the berry cohort and their respective antioxidant power, the researchers found blackcurrants possessed the highest antioxidant capacity, due to its profile. The two major types of anthocyanin in blackcurrant have a higher antioxidant activity than the those found in other berries.  

The study was performed on Italian-grown fruit, and based on comparisons of data, New Zealand blackcurrants have shown to have 1.5 times more anthocyanins than European-grown fruit.



The uniqueness of our berries lies in the climatic conditions in New Zealand. The result is a very special offering to support health and active nutrition in people of all ages. 

Each capsule of CurraNZ harnesses all the natural goodness of our blackcurrants, with 105mg of anthocyanin, equivalent to a generous handful of fruit, per dose