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  • 'After many years and visits to the doctor, CurraNZ is the only thing that has resolved my chronic fatigue - I feel like me again'

'After many years and visits to the doctor, CurraNZ is the only thing that has resolved my chronic fatigue - I feel like me again'

on July 03, 2020
MEET our customer of the month, Auckland-based athlete Christina Turner, who was startled at the profound effect CurraNZ had on overcoming her chronic fatigue that has plagued her since 2016. 

Christina shares her inspiring story:

"I’m an Auckland based athlete who completed my first Ironman in 2005, aged 27.  I continued with my beloved sport for another decade, hitting the start line at IronMan New Zealand six times. 

"Everything changed suddenly six years ago when I had to undergo the first of three back surgeries for a bulging disc. I was put on nerve-sedating drugs prior to my first surgery, and have never, ever been able to return to my pre-surgery level of normalcy after coming off the drugs. 

"I have suffered from extreme fatigue, the sort you can’t go and sleep off. 

"I have visited so many doctors and other medical health professionals over the years that I’ve lost count of the time and money I’ve dedicated to trying to get my energy back.  It severely affected my life. 

"I’m now training for my first Ultra marathon - the coveted 85km Old Ghost Ultra in February 2021 - and am being coached by athlete extraordinaire Dougal Allan. As CurraNZ is one of his sponsors, I thought it was worth trying. 

"I’ve nearly finished my first pack, and at one capsule per day, I’m astonished that I can now get through a morning without having to fight my fatigue. I still get tired, but that deep-set fatigue I simply couldn’t get rid of has gone.  

"Your product is so far, the only one that has removed that fatigue that I simply can't sleep off.  WOW!

"This has lead to wonderful side effects such as improved mood and energy.  I feel like me again for the first time in far too many years! 

"So, thank you for sponsoring Dougal, otherwise it would have been a lot longer before I had you in my life!