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  • 65-year-old ultra runner racing well on CurraNZ

65-year-old ultra runner racing well on CurraNZ

on September 17, 2024

CurraNZ ultra athlete and journalist Laurel Walker sat down with her 65-year-old mom Kathy, to find out how CurraNZ has been making a difference to her ultra running - and the results were surprising. 

Kathy is an ultrarunner and life-long lover of the mountains. While she has always been always active, she didn’t start running regularly until she was in her 40s, when she took it up with two of her daughters. Together they have run numerous races from 5k to marathon, road and trail. 

Kathy runs every day and takes part in a variety of races annually, including her favorites “Rock The Ridge 50 Miler” in New York State, and the Midstate Massive Ultra 100 Miler in Massachusetts.

We sat down with Kathy to learn some insights into her life and running routine.

Whether you are just getting into running or have been at it for years, we are confident that her story will inspire, including her reflections on incorporating CurraNZ. 


Q: Do you follow a training plan? 
A: Yes, I follow the free plans from They have worked really well for me for years, are easy to follow, adjust and customize. 

Q: What is your least favorite thing about running and how do you handle it?

A: Learning to run uphill. I’ve always just walked the uphills, but I am trying new ways to get more efficient, and running hill repeats during training to get better at it. Running uphill is hard! But I am doing it because I know it will help me in the long run. 

Q: When did you start taking CurraNZ and did you notice any benefits?

A: Yes, it was April 13th! I ran the Millbrook Marathon the next day and had a great day. I noticed overnight results and an increased cadence and pep in my step. 


Q: What do you do to ensure longevity in your running?
A: I feel like getting to run is like a circle of positivity. I love to be out in nature and in the wild, that is the most fun. I love how it feels to be moving, so my favorite stuff is the long stuff because I get to run and hike—the views, the animals, the people you meet. You [Laurel] taught me to eat, drink and run. You taught me my motto “drink like a fish, eat like a horse, run like a turtle.”
I walk the uphills and run the flats and downhills. If there isn’t a hill, I walk for a bit each mile.
Q: What is your night running strategy?
A: I love the night! I love how your senses are heightened. For the Midstate Massive 100 miler, there is a lake at the finish, which draws me in and makes me want to complete. I love using poles, especially at night, they are so helpful. The hardest part about the night is getting lost, which has happened to me. I’ve learned to just stop and take a deep breath, realize where you are and reset. 
Q: What is your approach to racing?
A: I love being able to do this, see things, meet people and just enjoy the environment. Out there in nature is where I want to be. 
Q: What is your favorite race-day treat?
A: I love ramen! It is such a great treat, especially at night. 
Q: Crew/pacers? 
A: My husband, Jeff is my #1 supporter and crew chief. He knows me so well and takes time to study the course, create maps and make sure he knows exactly where and when to go to meet up with me. 

He knows I need a variety of foods to choose from when I come into an aid station, and also not to be offended if I do not end up wanting the thing I requested. One time he made me bean burritos because we thought that would be good and I got there and I felt like I was pregnant again—they were disgusting to me! 

We learned that day that you don’t try anything new on race day. We also learned that taste buds get all weird during racing and the crew can’t take that personally. 

Q: Do you use caffeine when running and racing? 
A: Yes, I use the Untapped maple syrup brand caffeinated gels. An example of my strategy, for a 28-mile run, I’ll take one gel at a third of the way through and then the other two-thirds of the way through. For a 100-mile race I’ll start caffeine when it gets dark and then take it all the way to the end. 

A second study, showed a 50% reduction in upper and lower GI distress symptoms, as well as a 33% reduction in other GI related symptoms like nausea, stitch and dizziness.2

Q: Have you ever struggled with GI distress? If so, how do you handle it and does CurraNZ seem to help? 

A Yes, I used to have to stop all the time to use the bathroom when running. I don’t have to do that much anymore. CurraNZ definitely helps with stomach distress and helps me feel a lot better when racing and running. 

CurraNZ Science Fact

7-day trial of 600mg/day of CurraNZ reduced gut permeability and damage to intestinal cell wall lining, commonly referred to as Leaky gut.1

Leaky gut is the common term that you might have heard for damaged intestinal cell wall linings, causing permeability. Our intestinal wall linings are designed to absorb water and nutrients from our food, but when they become damaged, they can let toxins into our bloodstream and make us feel sick. As you can imagine, if you are already having a difficult time eating while running, these symptoms only make it worse. 

Kathy closed out the interview saying “I love CurraNZ because it is just berries, nothing else and that is the beauty of it!”


1.Lee, B. J. , Flood, T. R. , Hiles, A. M, Walker, E.F., Wheeler, L. EV, Ashdown, K. M, Willems, M. ET, Costello, R., Greisler, L.D, Romano, P.A., Hill, G.W., Kuennen, M.R., Anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extract preserves gastrointestinal barrier permeability and reduces enterocyte damage but has no effect on microbial  translocation and inflammation after exertional heat stress (2022). Accepted version International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism. 1-29. 

2.Willems, M.ET., Hiles, A.M., Flood, T. R., Wheeler, L. EV. Ashdown, K. M., Kuennen, M. R., Lee, B. J. , Anthocyanin-rich New Zealand blackcurrant extract reduces running-induced gastro-intestinal symptoms in the heat. (2022). Released at ISSN, June 17, 2022.